Classroom jobs are a big part of our classrooms. They teach responsibility, they build a classroom community/family, and it takes a LOT of extra stress off our plates!! Our wonderful custodian also LOVES our rooms because they're so well maintained.
Last year we made job cards and name cards with the student's picture. We had them laminated, and we use this space saving pocket chart to hold all of the cards.

Every Monday we rotate the name cards down and around at the same time keeping the jobs in place. If we forget to rotate our cards around, our students have NO problem reminding us to do it. :-) There are quite a few jobs that are doubles or even triples. We did that so one person is not always bogged down with an overwhelming job.
The jobs are:
Door Holder (lines up 1st in line)
Line Leader (lines up 2nd in line)
Light Helper (lines up last in line)
Library Helper (3 students are in charge of 10 baskets each)
Supplies Monitor (2 students are in charge of making sure our supplies are neat and orderly and that we have sharpened pencils)
Floor checker (at the end of the day, 2 students double check the floor and politely remind their classmates to clean up their personal areas and shared areas)
Technology Helper (2 students turn the computers on in the A.M. and off in the P.M.)
Calendar Helper (this student runs our calendar time)
Messenger (2 students bring the attendance and lunch count up to the office, and they also accompany students to the office that are signed in or out of school)
Clinic Helper (2 students accompany kids to clinic "nurse" when they're sick or hurt)
***there are some jobs we would like to add for next year**
Substitute (this student would take the job of another student if they're sick)
sanitizer helper (in both of our classes kids would RACE to get the sanitizer to pass it out to the line, we couldn't stand that, so this would remedy that situation)
Pillow Helper (this person will be in charge of making sure the pillows are put away.
We've got to figure out how to attach our documents. Once we do, we'll attach the job cards that we made.
We love classroom jobs!!
Happy Blogging!!
-Jackie and Danielle-
I need to join this party! I just posted about classroom jobs!