Sunday, August 7, 2011

Visual noise level idea

Last year I played classical music from Pandora over the speaker system in my class. I played it a volume that my students could hear, but it wasn't distracting. I would tell them that if they couldn't hear the music then they were talking a little too loudly. The music really calmed the room down, and I enjoyed what it brought to the classroom atmosphere. This year, I wanted to continue doing that, but have something else in place. I found this great idea from 2nd grade ponderings .


  1. Ohh Danielle, good to know! I will get my Pandora all revved up and ready - I love the fact that I will have your entire class this year, I feel like I have an inside track already to what works with them :-)

  2. Yay, I love that too Cindy! I can't wait to see what you have planned for them! It will be neat hearing about them through you. They are all such great kiddos. I hope they've been reading!


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